September 4, 2013

GQ trippin: Girl's Weekend Getaway Packing List

Girl's Weekend Getaway Packing List

Girl's Weekend Getaway Packing List

"6 weekend getaways in 6 months, I have finally got it down!

I rarely brag about anything, but I am pretty awesome when it comes to packing. It was especially easy when we were traveling for an entire year living out of a carry-on size backpack. But when it came to the weekend trip, for some reason, packing was so much harder. At least for one year, I never had to worry about what I’m wearing because I would cycle the same four t-shirts over and over. With a weekend, it’s like you need an outfit for every day. An outfit for the day and one for night. It’s embarrassing to be caught wearing something the same shirt twice in a weekend, right?"

Read the full post -- complete with a packing list and more photos -- at GQ trippin.

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