February 22, 2019

Luminary Pre-Production Batch (PPB) Notes

Luminary Pre-Production Batch (PPB) Notes

Note: for details on the Luminary 12, 15, and 210 ballistic bags pre-order, see this post. Pre-order opens 02/26 and closes 03/05.

Tom, Nik, Mike and Velia (not pictured) at the final Luminary 12 and 15 Pre-Production Batch meeting.

Ever since we first mentioned our pre-production batch (PPB) system in our Pre-Order FAQ -- "I placed a pre-order and it shipped earlier than expected! Nice. How’d that happen?" --

You received one of the few PPB bags available — congratulations.

What, you may be asking, is the pre-production batch (PPB)?

A pre-production batch (PPB) of any new design is ordered and completed by our production department prior to the new design being offered for pre-order.

The PPB is intended to:

  • Serve as the first large-scale test of the efficiency of manufacturing the new design.
  • Provide photo, review and employee loaner sample bags.
  • Ship a small quantity of bags to a randomized selection of customers who place orders for the first pre-order batch. This will allow folks to post reviews and first thoughts and photos of a new design, which in turn may help other people decide whether a bag is right for them or not.

Please note that the design itself is tested and every detail finalized and approved by Tom, Nik, Lisa, and Fong long before the PPB is ordered. PPB bags are in no way “beta” or incomplete.

-- several of you asked for us to share more about the PPB process and we decided the Luminary 12 and 15 PPBs would be the perfect opportunity to do so.

List of New Features and Updates To the Luminary 12 and Luminary 15
Note: the detailed why and how behind these features and updates are shared over here in the pre-order announcement for the Luminaries. We're listing the features below as they are referenced multiple times in the PPB notes.

Notes From Our Luminary 12 and Luminary 15 Pre-Production Meetings

PPB Launch Meeting

Fabric laid up, marker clamped, ready to be cut by Irma.

Victor and Irma double check the ply count. Well three times, really.

Irma cuts: perfect as always.

Meeting Questions:

Action Item(s):

Mike's notes from the actual Luminary 12 and Luminary 15 PPB Launch Meeting. Includes feedback from Irma, Tom, Lisa, Fong, Mike, and Nik:


Interim PPB Check-In

Cut parts arrive on the sewing floor, last minute questions answered.

Lisa makes a suggestion for an edit to a notch placement; Nik takes note.

Fong explains to Tom a detail about the interior pocket zipper.

Meeting Questions:

Action Item:

Notes from the Luminary 12 and Luminary 15 PPB Check-In:
Shoulder strap construction:


PPB Final Review

We're feeling pretty confident :)

Velia explains the nuances of QA-ing the Luminary.

Meeting Questions:

Action Items:

Luminary 12 and Luminary 15 Final PPB Review Notes


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We're the TOM BIHN crew: we design bags, make bags, ship bags, and answer questions about bags. Oh, and we collaborate on blog posts, too.